Monday, March 21, 2005

Quite the weekend...

Well, this is going to be an interesting first entry for this journal...

Let me take you back to Thursday, and our wonderful observation of all things Irish, St. Patrick's Day. While it definitely did not get quite as crazy as last year's celebration in Station Square (by the way, did the Buzz Poets break up?), it was definitely a good way to start the weekend. Some time around 5, we left the office... Destination? South Norwalk. There was an email sent earlier in the week about meeting at the Irish pub (O'neils), or if it was too crowded, Rattlesnake, a Mexican bar. After waiting in line for 15 minutes with two other co-workers, we got to the door, but decided against going in based on the enormous crowd inside. We met three other co-workers on the way to Rattlesnake, and upon arriving there a short walk later, the festivities began. A crowd of varying sizes (maybe 20 at the largest) spent the next few hours enjoying 3 dollar Guini and large rounds of car bombs. I took off fairly early in the evening, and returned home to watch some great college games on the first night of the big dance.

After an enjoyable day at the office Friday and pre-game festivities at both my place and L & D's in Stamford, it was out to the bars with another large crowd of co-workers. We descended upon Hula Hanks. I had not ventured to this locale before, but it looked promising. Larry introduced me to a girl he'd met that was visiting from New Hampshire, and we had a nice conversation about our overlapping music interests. I, lacking in height however, was not interesting enough to warrant a phone number from the rather tall gal. After last call, we wandered past the Turtle to make one last stab at an interesting night. Failing again, we returned to L &D's to wind down. After a few hours of chilling out there, and oblivious to the late hour, 3 of us decided it'd be a good idea to grab some Taco Bell. We stopped to pick up another buddy on the way, who again did not consider the late hour. We were disappointed, but not to shocked when we saw that our run to the border had been doomed by the 4:30 AM start time.

Saturday I got together with a guy that also plays guitar, and one who records, and we put down a couple tracks. We'll have to see how they turn out. We just need a drummer and bassist, and we'll be set.

That evening, we held a pong tourney at another co-worker's. Turned out to only get 6 teams, and I unfortunately got eliminated after my first 2 games. But since we had so few teams, we had a good time playing cards while they finished, then hit the bars in Stamford again. After a stop at Tegiun and some food, Larry and I headed out for Hank's again. We got there pretty late (almost 1), so we didn't have a whole lot of time to "work our game", but believe it or not, I actually approached a girl, and had a short chat. I was amazed for two reasons. 1) I had the guts to give it a go, and 2) it actually worked. Unfortunately my choice was the DD for her friends, so she was tied to them for the rest of the evening. After our short stint at Hank's, we again stopped past the Turtle for round 2. After a brief 4-way flirt with some fairly drunk girls, Larry and I rolled back to his place and chilled the evening out.

So as you can see, I was quite glad to spend today on the couch getting back to normal. But on the bright side, a few more nights like this weekend, and I'll be in prime shape come Carnival next month.

OK, work tomorrow, time for bed...



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