Saturday, March 26, 2005

Musings on Congress...

Ok, I know this sounds like a boring entry, but I just wanted to reiterate something Jon Stewart said on the Daily Show. Isn't it amazing how Govenor Bush had no issues putting death row inmates to death, but will cut his vacation (and don't get me started on that) short to come back and sign Congress's abomination of a bill? And let me also add to that, IT'S NOT YOUR JOB!!! Congress makes laws, yes. But they shouldn't be making laws to circumvent the judicial branch. That's why we have a judicial branch. And if this ever makes it to the Supreme Court, I hope we have enough open minded justices left to see this for what it is. A poor woman in a vegetative state, being used by Congress for their own gain. We've all heard "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Well, what if two of those are conflicting? What kind of happiness can you have from a life where you are unable to move.... OK enough rambling.. Casino time... I'll complain more later.



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