Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Mr. Scott Paulsen

I would like to share with you an amazing American story teller.

Back in my early highschool days, I moved away from the "pop" station in Pittsburgh that catered to the younger citizens of the area, over to the Monolith that is WDVE Pittsburgh.

For those of you not from the area, 'DVE, as it is known to locals, is the classic / new rock station. It is unapologetic, but not rude, entertaining, and just plain funny. While in highschool, the morning show team, amogst others, included a man by the name of Scott Paulsen. For the most part, Scott played the straight man of the team. He, like others on the show, had serial characters that would poke their heads in now and again. But Scott's real gift to the show was his ability to give outstanding, thoughtful, and hilarious commentary on the day's events.

I was saddened to learn that in my senior year, Scott had had enough of the DJ lifestyle. In his final show, he lefts us for "parts unknown", and far away from a job that required a 3 am wake up call every day. Can you blame him?

The morning show found a new straight man, and as I went to college, I listened to the radio a little less, and my interest slowly faded. But then one day, something miraculous happened. "What's that you say? Scott Paulsen is coming back to DVE?" I couldn't believe my ears. My favorite member of the morning show was coming back to the station to do a solo act in the evenings. It was the best of both worlds. Mornings I could catch the classic morning show antics, and in the evenings, I could hear thoughtful, gut-busting, commentary on any number of issues.

If you've never heard a commentary by Scott, I urge you to take this opportunity to visit his website. ( and take a listen. There are usually some audio clips from his latest shows. But if you don't have the time, I can describe his style as sarcastic, intelligent, and honest.

I was lucky enough to receive a copy of his book "Cow Tipping" (which is named after a song written about the subject) from a dear friend for Christmas. The book is a collection of the current events commentary and life-experiences, each a few pages long, collected over the past few years. I'm only about halfway through, reading time being at a premium lately, but each has caused me to either laugh out loud, or shake my head in agreement.

I can honestly say I feel some sort of connection with Mr. Paulsen. Growing up in the Tri-state area has a certain effect on a man, I've come to discover. It allows you to be somewhere between sophisticated and total hick, while embracing both as your roots.

So, Scott, if I can be so informal with someone I've never met, but feel I know personally, keep up the good work. Although I'm not longer in the listening audience on a nightly basis, your work has helped me to look back on my roots not with hatred or shame, but understanding and humor.

- yinz guys take it easy


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