Sunday, June 19, 2005

I Heart Summer

Well, that time of year is upon us again. The temperatures are raising, the clothes are coming off in piles, and my favorite bands have hit the road to make my life a little less tedious. I'm just going to keep editing this post once a concert has happened, rather than have 18 different ones. Enjoy my summer concert reviews :)

First show: Hometown Boys in the Big City - May (something, have to look up the date)
It's always nice to see a bad that is sooo huge in one part of the country play a tiny venue in another. The Clarks played at Rothko in the City, to a crowd of maybe 150, probably more like 80. Larry, Shana, and I were privy to the front row, and we got to chat with Rob and Greg before the show, and Scott afterwards. The only suck of the evening was the club made them stop at around 10:30, while they were only about 3/4 of the way through their set list. But regardless, I've won over another Clarks fan with Larry, who says he'll go see them again that they make it up this way.

P.S. (post-show) We also spent the rest of the night out in the City at this awesome Hookah bar at 188 Allen St. The co-owners showed us a great time, and we ended up staying there until 4:30 in the morning. Sadat rulez. (sorry if I've spelled your name wrong).

Show Two: Ahh The Comforts of Home - June 4th, 2005
Since I've been to around 8 Dave shows at STARLAKE amphitheatre, I figured I'd make the pilgrimage home to see them again this summer. Juliana got screwed by her night job, and couldn't get off for the show, so Tony and I packed up the ol' minivan and hit the road like old times. Traffic on the way out was the worst I've ever seen Rt. 18, let me tell you, and even though we left home around 5:30, we didn't get into the show until Dave was starting his second song. As the night went on though, it was more than made up for, as we were treated to an excellent show, and I met a nice young lady from dahn' ranhd Alabama who had seats in the second row, but came out to the lawn, cause she knows how we do it out there ;)

P.S. Met up with Jules and hit a bar in Lebo. Ended up being a nice place, with good good beer. Made me a happy boy, which was good, since I wasn't looking forward to the drive home.

Well, I have to wrap this up, as I'm heading out for another show. Updates still to come on Dave in Hartford, and duh duh DUHN BONNAROO!!!



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