Sunday, June 26, 2005

So much to say...

Well, it's been quite a ride. Over the past 4 weeks, I've been on a whirlwind tour of the eastern US, seeing some of the finest performers of our day. I've given you the story on the Clarks show in NY (technically before the four weeks), and the Dave show in Pittsburgh. Here comes the rest of my June...

June 9-12 Bonnaroo Music Festival, Manchester, TN
Well, it ended up being very last minute, but I made it. Gerry and I departed for 3 days of music and fun on a 700 acre farm in middle of nowhere. Light rain kept the 80,000 people cool, and the 3 dozen bands, movie tent, and tons of other stuff to do kept everyone in high spirits. The Allman Broters, followed by Dave started the weekend off with a bang. Robert Randolph joined the band for Watchtower. Simply amazing. Day two included Government Mule, O.A.R. and Keller Williams. Due to scheduling conflicts, we had to skip out on the Black Crows, and being a little exhausted from the drive, I skipped out on the Widespread show and crashed early. Unfortunately, we had to leave early Sunday to make it home, and had to skip out on the John Butler Trio. The weekend was simply incredible, but if I ever do it again, I'm flying... 20 hours each way makes it quite a challenge to enjoy everything the weekend has to offer. Many thanks to the kind citizens of Manchester and Coffee County for putting up with us for a few days a year. It certainly will be an experience I'll never forget.

June 18th and 19th - Dave Matthews in Hartford (with Howie Day)
Dave did it again. My 14th and 15th Dave shows, and I was as thrilled as I was at that first show back in 96. 2 nights, 34 songs, only 4 repeats. I must say, I was a little disappointed with Howie. He played with a band the whole time, not even a solo song or two. He also looked a little tired, but I haven't been keeping up, so his schedule could be rough. Night two, in the company of Miss Maguire, saw 2 guys rush the stage before the encore, and Dave, with classic style, got the crowd from boos to laughter in 5 seconds flat. 4 Dave shows in 3 weeks, and they've never sounded better. The new songs rock, and the old songs sound as good as I've ever heard. Hats off again, boys.

June 21st - John Butler Trio in NYC
Larry and I headed down after work to the Bowery Ballroom to catch John Butler and crew. After having to miss his set at Roo, I was pleased to get to see him so shortly after. We got a little lost trying to find the venue, but once we did, the night got started right. We hit up Maradona (Sadat's place), had some great food, a nice hookah, and a couple brews. A short walk back to the Ballroom, and right on time for the end of the opening act. We got spots on the balcony, and had a great view of the band. This show ended up being one of my top5 all-time. The crew was spot on, the crowd was really into it, and I was in heaven.

P.S. Well, this is when the fun really started. Exhausted from the show, Larry and I ended up missing our stop on the train home. We ended up getting off 5 miles from Larry's, 2:45 in the morning, with not a cab in sight. Along with another poor soul, we started walking. We tried calling for cabs the entire walk home, but were unable to procure transportation. After 7 or 8 miles in sandals, I could hardly walk the next day, but was still on cloud 9 from a fantastic show. A little walk isn't so bad, especially when it's not anyone's fault but your own for missing your stop.

June 24th - The Black Crows and Tom Petty in Hartford
Well well well... what can I say about this night. Horrible traffic started us off right, with Joe and Mik in tow, we hit the road for the show. They'd changed the parking lot configuration from the weekend before, so I got a little confused, and ended up sitting in traffic waiting to get into the lots. Once into the show, the Black Crowes played a decent set. Was also happy I got to see them (much like JBT). Tom Petty took the stage around 10, and rocked the house until midnight. Played all the hits, and we were all having a blast. Suddenly, I realize some punk teenagers behind us have been spitting on Joe and Mik for a while, and heated words are being exchanged. I think to myself, awesome, just what I wanted, a fight with underage drunks. Neither party wanting to stand down, I step in to try and break up a physical confrontation, and end up getting socked in the jaw. Not wanting to hit a minor (even though he was 6 Ft. tall), I grab him up, and gave him a shove back, taking a couple more shots, before walking away to try and enjoy the rest of the show. I see this kinda thing happen all the time, and I can't help but wonder why people have to try to ruin a great night by wanting to get in a fight. If you're that wound up that you need to hit someone, take a deep breath and ask yourself if it's really worth the consequences. If I weren't the person I am, things could have ended up quite differently for that kid. That being said, I'll get off my soapbox and tell you all to go see Petty if you get a chance. He's really an American legend, and an amazing showman.

P.S. After the show, my day just kept getting better. Stuck in the parking lot for close to an hour after the show. I was on my way to Enfield to my motel for the weekend (was attending a wedding in Springfield.. congrats Christine and Thayer). As I'm approaching the Motel Six, behind me in the left turn lane, a police cruise pulls up. Great, I'm thinking, just what I need. I make the left, and the lights come on. I pull into the motel lot, and wait for the officer. After checking my license, registration and insurance, and why I was in the area (like I had to), he informed me that he pulled me over because I was missing a registration sticker on my rear license plate. I politely inform the officer that I've just moved to the state less than a year ago, and was unfamiliar with the registration sticker procedures. I also let him know I'd bought the car when I moved here, and that I would call the dealership first thing Monday morning to check why I wasn't given the sticker. I'm given a written warning, and after he leaves, I get to explain to the poor night clerk why I brought the police with me to check in. Chrissy and Laura also got to witness my run in from the saftey of their car across the lot, and were nice enough to text me while I was being run "Why are the police with you?" After a nice little chat with the girls, it was time to call it a day. I took a look at my car today, and realized my registration sticker is right there on my front license plate! If it turns out you don't need a sticker on both plates, I may file a complaint about the stop, as the officer didn't bother to check my front plate, and I felt he was fishing for a reason to pull someone over. On the other hand, it's probably not worth the hassle, and I'll probably let it slide. There are actual crimes being committed out there, a missing registration sticker at 1:30 in the morning just doesn't seem to me to warrant flashing lights and a good scare.

Well, I hoped you enjoyed this lengthy post, and if you've made it this far, congratulations... Many thanks to all those who came with me to all these shows, and I hope to give you some more glowing reviews later this summer. Right now, I'm a little beat, and my bed is calling loudly.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're such a bad ass some times, Sean. :)

5:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to admit...I didn't really make it to the end, because I kind of skipped the beginning part. It really sucks that some kid hit you in the jaw and then you got pulled over by the police. That really is a series of unfortunate events...

12:55 PM  

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