Monday, October 10, 2005

Fall = Time for Changes

Well, it's been awhile since I've written anything. It's not from a lack of things going on, but rather too many things going on to really talk about. Pretty much spent the Summer partying with my co-workers. A couple awesome house parties, some great drunken nights at the bars, and generally acting like we were all still in college.

But it's Fall now, and time for a change. I started working out again, saving some money, cut down the drinking, cut out some other stuff that wasn't good for me either. In the last week alone, I've finished four books, and have a new author to add to my favorites list. I put down Brave New World Revisited (awesome non-fiction), The Sun Also Rises (my first Hemingway, so tragic, so real), and 2 Vonnegut books (realize I'm late to the party, but better late than never right?). Slaughterhouse-five was incredible, and made me want to pick up more, so yesterday I read Cat's Cradle, and it had the same effect on me, couldn't put it down from start to finish. I've got another to read (Breakfast of Champions), and a Herman Hesse novel, The Glass Bead Game, or something like that... it looked really good at Borders.

I also bought a replacement camera body for mine, which has been broken since February. It's Fall again in New England, so the leaves have once again captured my photographic attention. If anything good comes out, I'll put one up here. Maybe I'll run up to Vermont or New Hampshire this weekend...

Well, seeing as how I'm at work, I should probably cut out this personal stuff, huh? If anyone wants to come visit New York/New England, there's a futon with your name on it.



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