Monday, December 05, 2005

I quit...

Ok, so I may have said to some people I could never see myself living in California... Well, that was before I went to Tahoe.

As I'm out in San Fran for a couple weeks for business, and had nothing better to do this weekend, when I heard that Tahoe got about 30 inches of snow in some areas this past week, I figured, what the hell, lets go see what all the fuss is about.

Driving home to the hotel for the past week, I'd seen a ski shop sign just off the 101, so Friday after work, I stopped in to grab some rentals. I got to take my first crack at parabolics, as I've yet to pony up the cash for a new pair of skis in 10 years, and was even able to rent a bib and parka... All told, half an hour, and 40 bucks later, I was ready to ski (almost). A very kind co-worker in our west-coast office offered to lend me gloves, goggles and a hat, so I didn't have to buy new of my own. Also, as I was waiting for the binding adjustment, I remembered that Brian Belowich was living in Tahoe, so I gave him a call... Bonus! Free couch for the evening!

So after a little kareoke with Drew, Jenny, Ant, and Simon, I got a few hours sleep and hit the road for Tahoe at 5:45 Saturday morning. I'd decided to hit the north shore of the lake, as Brian and his roommates would be spending the day up there. About 2 and a half hours into the drive, I couldn't believe my eyes. I-80, the most boring road I've ever driven in PA, was absolutely breathtaking in the Sierras. I started climbing, and about an hour later reached 8000 ft. Driving through Donner pass, I was wishing to be a passenger so I could take in all the scenery. I eventually hit Trukee, and cut down to the lake to Brian's place. Let me tell you, has he got the life... 10 minute walk to one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. Amazing blue lake ringed by snow capped mountains, really you just have to see it for yourself.

We set out to ski / ride at Mt. Rose, which is one of the loftier peaks in the area. We were just across the border into Nevada, and the snow was looking amazing. We reached the slopes, and as Brian is a newcomer to the winter sports, he and his roommates did a little learning session. I set out for my first runs on the west coast, and was not disappointed. Long, steep runs, amazing views, and quite a bit of the fluffy stuff. I did discover that my training in the Laurel Highlands did not prepare me properly for skiing in powder. I'm going to need some more training before I'll get the hang of that. I also realized very early on that my legs are not in shape. I cut back over to the main face to ski some packed powder, and found some amazing trail runs with some nice trees to ski. After lunch, I did a few runs with Brian's roommates, who were a lot of fun to hang out with, even if they are boarders. ;) By 3, my quads were screaming for my to stop, so we packed up the car, and headed home. After a quick shower and some chilling at his place, we got a case of beer, and drove out to the resort Brian and his roommates work at, where we had access to a fantastic outdoor hot tub. After a hour or two in the tub, we hit up some Chinese food, and a Bond movie to cap the evening

Sunday morning we hit the casino and a nice little breakfast place, and after watching the Steelers drop a big one, I hit the road back to San Fran. So my new mission in life is to find some way to make myself useful in the Tahoe area and get my ass out west.

Ok, I know you're all jealous, so who wants to touch me...



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