Friday, August 18, 2006

S-S-s-s-snakesssss onamuthaf***inplane...

Having known about SoaP from nearly the beginning of it's meteoric internet popularity ascent, I can't say that I didn't have some hesitation when the day, nearly a year in the making finally arrived. Having pre-ordered tickets, and put down my fair share of snake-themed adult beverages, I was ready for just about anything (complete with 8 ft. plush snake).

One hour and forty-six minutes later, I could breathe a sigh of relief, both for the surviving passengers of South Pacific Air 121, and for the absolute genius that was this film. Am I saying it's The Godfather or The Shawshank Redemption?


Is it worth $9.50?


I'm no movie critic. Nor am I a student of film in general. But I do know when I am entertained, and Snakes on a Plane delivers the entertainment. It may seem, from time to time that the film was written, directed, and produced by your 15 year old cousin, but it works! SoaP delivers action, laughs, and some truly gruesome ways to die. But it never once pretended it was more than it was. Character development? Pheh, who needs it. I walked into the theatre to see snakes, and damn it, I was not disappointed. In this day and age where movies have tried one after another to top the realism presented on screen, it was refreshing to see a movie that did what movies are supposed to do: Let us escape the realism of everyday life for just a little while, and see one or two gratuitous boobs.

And let me say this: Cheers to you, audience. You came in with an open mind, and a bag full of snide remarks, just waiting for the action to unfold. You, together with Samuel L., have made me recall why I used to love a night out at the theatre.

If you do nothing else this weekend, see this muthaf***in' movie. It just may change your life.


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